
What does the name “Pareto” mean to you?

Probably very little. However, the principle made famous by an Italian economist over 100 years ago has a huge impact on your investing techniques and wealth building ambitions.

“Pareto’s Principle,” also known as “the 80/20 Principle,” states that for many areas of life, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. For example, Pareto noticed that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the population and 80% of the peas in his garden were produced from 20% of the plants. You can see examples like this throughout nearly every field of study in our world, especially in business.  Often times, the ratio is even more staggering.

So what does this mean for a real estate investor?

Pareto’s Principle is useful in encouraging focus on productivity and results-driven business. As a real estate investor, this principle helps to find what areas of our business are really earning income and which areas are simply wasting time. Many of the activities that an investor performs on a daily basis are probably wasted time. By focusing on the 20% of the actions that are providing the most results, we can free up significant amounts of time to do the kind of things we want to do. This is key is beginning to “hack” real estate.

Several years ago I realized that most of my efforts were spent doing small maintenance jobs that seemed to take all day. By hiring a resident manager to take over the maintenance, I was able to gain 80% more time in my life – time that I now spend looking for deals, spending time with my wife, and blogging at

Let’s look at a few more specific examples.

  • If you are trying to find leads for motivated homeowners looking to sell, what sort of action is getting you the most results? Are you spending most of your time putting up bandit signs when a simple Craigslist ad is driving most of your business?
  • If you are remodeling a home, what upgrades are actually contributing the most to the future value of that home?
  • If you are managing a small apartment building, what advertising methods are getting you the most calls?
  • Is 80% of your wealth being built by simple investing? Why are you wasting time with wholesaling deals?

What to do with Pareto?

Now that you have begun to think in these terms, its time to begin focusing on improving those areas of your business. If Craigslist is driving most of your leads – then focus your efforts on making your Craigslist ads even better. If new carpet will cause the most significant increase in value or speed of sale -get great looking carpet! Improve the things that matter and watch your investments take off.

I am not suggesting you quit all your other activities if they are not bringing you the most leads or income.   Often times, things that don’t seem to produce much income actually help in other ways. The important thing is to know what your efforts are producing – and prioritize based on that. Don’t waste time if you don’t need to.  The key is being aware of how you are spending your time.

It’s all about finding what works and maximizing those causes to explode your results. Your time is precious, and by looking for ways to increase your efficiency you can free up your time to do the kind of things you want to do. Only then are you truly living life on your terms, the goal of any real estate hacker.

P.S. If you want to learn more about the 80/20 Principle – check out Tim Ferriss’ book “The Four Hour Workweek”. While not a real estate book, the principles taught are invaluable to a real estate investor looking for more time to live to the fullest.

P.S. looking for hard money loans in California? Be sure to check out my friends over at They have very competitive rates, can fund within a week and specialize in fix and flip loans and other hard money loans.

Do you use Facebook to market your rentals? How about to attract private money for your investments? If not, check out the post I’ve written over at! I was their featured blogger today! This was the first of many to come!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last five years, you know Facebook. You probably can’t go two hours without checking your wall, “liking” your friend’s comment, and laughing at a video of a golden retriever playing the piano … (continue reading on

P.S. looking for hard money loans in California? Be sure to check out my friends over at They have very competitive rates, can fund within a week and specialize in fix and flip loans and other hard money loans.


We’ve all seen cartoons where the mad scientist (usually short with white hair) takes hold of two beakers filed with bubbly neon liquid, mixes them together, and creates a puff of smoke and some new evil product. I am attempting to accomplish something similar today, but not in regards to chemicals – but business theories. Today I am combining my love for real estate with my newly acquired passion for internet pay-per-click marketing in hopes of creating something explosive.

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is a fairly new phenomenon which you see every single day while you surf the internet. Marketers purchase ad space on Google, Facebook, or other online players in hopes that a customer will see the ad and click, bringing that person to their website and hopefully converting that viewer into a sale. I love the idea behind PPC marketing because the advertiser only pays when the ad works, unlike traditional advertising methods (such as print, TV, radio, etc) which payment is due even if no one responds.  Marketing is brought down to a mathematical formula, in which profitability is determined by simply discovering how much it actually is going to cost to have a lead turn into a sale.

My question behind combining these two is such: Can I sell my home faster using Facebook and Google ads to drive interest?

To do this, I test my theory, I did several things:

  1. I built a website around my house that is for sale (check it out here), getting $100 in free Google Adwords credit and $50 in free Facebook ad credits just for signing up.
  2. I designed a Facebook Ad, directing it only to advertise to people in the county that my house is for sale in.
  3. I designed a Google Ad, directed only at those in my area who are searching for terms like “house for sale” and similar.

It’s now time for me to sit back and watch how it develops. Will someone click on my ad, go to my website, get in contact with my Realtor, and buy my house? Only time will tell.

On a related note, I decided this might not be a bad gig to earn extra money on the side. I can build a website like for Real Estate Agents or FSBO homeowners, complete with a personal domain name, hosting, and site design for fairly cheap.

For those of you who are interested in building your own websites on the cheap, check out They are one of the cheapest hosting plans out there, with mass discounts (enter code hgc25 at checkout to get hosting for $.01!) and if you sign up after clicking on that link, I get paid! (So click it, sign up, and we all win!  But seriously, even if you don’t wanna click on my link – they are great).

Has anyone else tried Pay Per Click marketing to sell a home? What were your experiences?





P.S. looking for hard money loans in California? Be sure to check out my friends over at They have very competitive rates, can fund within a week and specialize in fix and flip loans and other hard money loans.